T-Minus 5 Minutes Before Vistor

I’m not sure about the rest of you moms out there, but does anyone else’s feet hit the ground running the second you learn company is coming? Whether it’s hubby’s lax friendships that allow him to so casually say “Sure, come on over. We’re not doing anything” or him just simply forgetting to tell me that he’s having a guest until 15 minutes before they arrive. My stomach turns with the thought of someone seeing our pig-stye of a home in those moments. I know, I know- I just had a baby; I have an excuse for a messy home. Yes, my life is indeed in complete chaos. No, I don’t want anyone to know this. Here are a few tips that help me keep the illusion of my home being clean for last minute visitors.

  1. Clear, Open Spaces
    We all have some sort of end point when it comes to our home being clean. When you sit down and think ‘ah, the house is just the way it should be’ and you pat yourself on the back. At this point, after you were able to take the time to clean and organize your home the way you like, it should be clutter free. The counters should completely clear, papers and bills should be filed, and there should be NO piles of anything, anywhere. This way, when you have T-5 minutes until your guest’s arrival, you can clearly pinpoint the hot spots of mess and handle those first. Even if you don’t get to all of the mess in time, a few objects out of place here and there don’t look nearly as bad if the house is otherwise clutter-free. These small imperfections could even make you seem more relatable and help people feel more comfortable.
  2. Clorox Wipes
    All moms need a best friend. That best friend (other than wine) should be Clorox wipes. Dust, sticky stuff,  mystery stuff, kitchen, living room, bathroom, floors, walls, carpets- you name it, Clorox wipes can clean it. Clorox wipes are like a one-stop shop when it comes to cleaning. Especially for quick cleaning. Sure, you should probably break out the foaming bleach spray for your sinks and showers once in a while. But when you have a guest on their way and there is a pile of dried up spit up on the floor from yesterday that you forgot to clean up, you gotta think fast. No? Just me?
  3. Close Some Doors
    When you are expecting a guest, you can usually anticipate where you plan on entertaining said guest. They are not likely to spend much time in your bedroom or office. That being said, these are great places to throw some junk in a moment of despair. Just literally toss the crap into the room and shut the door. Viola, mess be gone.
  4. Focus Points
    Focus on the living room, kitchen, and don’t forget the bathroom. If someone were to be disgusted by a mess anywhere in your home, it is going to be your bathroom. First tackle the bathroom sink/counter space and most importantly, the pee under the toilet seat (Clorox wipes to the rescue). This should only take a minute. You can use the remainder of your 4 minutes to take out the trash to eliminate any foul odors and fix the cushions on your couch to make the relaxing space as welcoming as possible.
  5. Costume Change
    While running around the house like a maniac trying to clean 2 weeks of mess in just a few minutes, it’s easy to forget that its 2 p.m. on a Saturday and you’re still in your PJs. I’m not saying to showcase your finest ball gown here, but you should probably just throw some jeans on. Hey, you could even keep your sleep t-shirt on as long as it doesn’t have any stains but I’ll leave that up to you.

When time is running out, be sure to acknowledge the anticipation of their visit. Open the front door to let them know you have been expecting them. Put out a snack if you can and ALWAYS offer them a drink (even if tap water is all you got).

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