Tag: daughter

Pavlik Care- Carry On

I'm not here to say I am some sort of expert on parenting a babe with developmental hip dysplasia. HOWEVER, my daughter has gone almost as far as you can go in the depths of treatment for such a condition so- I'm pretty darn close. We've been through the Pavlik, the Rhino, the Spica, the ultrasounds, … Continue reading Pavlik Care- Carry On

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hips- DDH for short.

Ok ok, I’ve got to come clean. I didn’t just start this blog to talk about handling home life as a mother. My daughter has hip dysplasia and I need to vent. I’ve heard many people say, “I thought only dogs could get hip dysplasia.” And while I’m infuriated by the fact that someone just … Continue reading Developmental Dysplasia of the Hips- DDH for short.